4 Challenges Faced by Small Businesses in India
One should know that small scale industries play a vital role in economic development of a country. Small scale enterprises spur up employment opportunities with less investment and reduce regional imbalances. Due to various constraints and problems, most of the small businesses in India are finding it difficult to survive. No doubt, running a business is much more difficult than starting one. To tackle the challenges and survive in the thriving Indian market, small businesses have to rely on a reputable and free local listing site in India , recruit the right staff, manage their funds, be aware of the latest developments and technologies, and serve clients with great integrity. Let us discuss the challenges faced by a small business in India: 1. Funding : One of the most important problems for the small business owners is finance. We all know that finance is the life blood of an organization. A business cannot function properly in the absence of adequate funds. The inade...